Flock Rams now available for private sale.
867 Hopetoun-Walpeup Road Hopetoun, Victoria
Lambplan figures available. Brucellosis Accredited & Johne’s Vaccinated.
Follow us on FB for further sale info:

Mallee Park Studs
Welcome to Mallee Park White Suffolk, Poll Dorset, and UltraWhite Studs! We’re passionate about breeding well-muscled, structurally sound rams with length and backed by solid data. Located in Hopetoun Victoria.
Mallee Park Poll Dorset and White Suffolk Stud

Hopetoun, Victoria
Breeding quality stud stock for the harsh Australian conditions
Our 7000 acre farm is also used for the production of cereal and pulse grains but we also produce mohair, prime lambs, wool and meat from our new meat Merino stock and Poll Dorset flock rams. The farm is home to our Angora goat, Poll Dorset, White Suffolk and meat Merino sheep studs.